Thursday, March 18, 2010

Types of Reactions Lab

Introduction and Background

Synthesis- the formation of a compound.
Decomposition- 1 reactant. 2 or more products. cations and anions switch with each other.
Single Displacement- one element takes the place of another.
Double Displacement- metal takes the place of a metal.
Combustion- Hydro Carbon.

Zn+CuSO4 -> Cu+ZnSO4

Ba(NO3)2+CuSO4 -> BaSO4+Cu(NO3)2

Mg+HCl -> H2+MgCl2

C3H8+O2 -> CO2+ H2O

H2O2 -> H2O+O2


  1. Good job with the picture information but might need some more information about the overall lab

  2. Needs an experimental procedure and results of what happened to the substances.

  3. Well... more background information describing the lab and why it was done would be good. You have a really good layout with your pictures and balanced equations!!! Good Job!

    -♥ Period 4, Group 3

  4. great start but more detail and information would help.
